소형/실험용 진공유도용해로 - Inductotherm Group Korea Ltd.

소형/실험용 진공유도용해로

소형 진공유도용해로는 일반적으로 새로운 합금 및 프로세스에 대한 연구 개발용으로 제작 또는 특수한 요구사항에 따라 제작/공급됨

조회를 요청하다


경북 고령군 다산면 다산산단로 188번지

  • Phone: 054-954-5682
  • Fax: 054-954-5685

Email: inductotherm@inductotherm.co.kr


• 고객 요구에 따라 맞춤 제작되어짐. 다양한 요구 수용 가능
• 고객 요청에 따라 간단한 PLC 조작 부터 전체 Data 접속이 가능한 control 까지 적용 가능


Multiple Charging Systems:
• Overmelt chargers for primary bucket charging of high density charge materials, temperature probe insertion, and sample taking
• Cup chargers are available for charging of small pieces and fines, typically for late alloy additions
• Other charging system configurations are available

Vacuum System:
• Three stage vacuum pumping system incorporating oil sealed rotary pumps or dry type screw pumps, roots type mechanical blowers, and oil vapor booster pumps for finalizing vacuum levels in the 10-3 Torr range
• Oil wetted vacuum filters for control of pyrophoric additions such as NiMg, or dry type vacuum filters if these elements are not planned to  be used
• State-of-the-art safety systems incorporating overpressure relief valves and argon purging

Mold Pouring:
• Most units are direct pour, or utilize a small pour box above each mold
• Hot tundish insertion via a charger configured to insert an externally preheated refractory tundish into the pour position within a few minutes is available

• Simple PLC-based controls with touchscreen OIT are common
• Computerized control and SCADA systems may be implemented
• TV cameras on remotely actuated site ports for remote operation are available but not typically required


Most small / R&D VIM furnaces are door-mounted designs, though this varies depending on the layout of the equipment and the available space and access routes for loading / unloading of molds and induction furnaces.